CreativeBlock BB

There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.
Peter Drucker

CreativeBlock BB Font Family

Weights & Styles

To embed your selected fonts into a webpage, copy this code into the head of your HTML document.

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
                            @import url('');
Specify in CSS

Use the following CSS rules to specify these families

                                                                    font-family: 'CreativeBlock BB', sans-serif;

Weights & Styles (2)

  • CreativeBlock BB 400

  • CreativeBlock BB 700

About CreativeBlock BB Font Family

  • Free for personal use

  • Description

    A bouncy, fun dialogue font to get you out of that creative rut. Perfect for indie comics and the Sunday funnies alike! The upper and lower keys have jogged baselines for when you have to type a word with consecutive letters like “book”.

    CreativeBlock BB font family designed by Unknown Designer has a total of 2 different styles. You can download the CreativeBlock BB font to your computer or use it on your website. Please research the license information before using it.
    Supported Languages
    English, Zulu

    Character map

    ! ! " " # # $ $ % % & & ' ' ( ( ) ) * * + + , , - - . . / / 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 : : ; ; < < = = > > ? ? @ @ A A B B C C D D E E F F G G H H I I J J K K L L M M N N O O P P Q Q R R S S T T U U V V W W X X Y Y Z Z [ [ ] ] _ _ a a b b c c d d e e f f g g h h i i j j k k l l m m n n o o p p q q r r s s t t u u v v w w x x y y z z { { | | } } ¨ ¨ © © ® ®
    Rusty Hooks

    1 Styles

    Bitter Robusta

    1 Styles


    1 Styles

    e Eupcave

    1 Styles


    1 Styles

    Belltons Free

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    1 Styles

