“You have power over your mind � not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”
Marcus Aurelius
“You have power over your mind � not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”
Marcus Aurelius
To embed your selected fonts into a webpage, copy this code into the head of your HTML document.
<link href="https://fonts.cdnfonts.com/css/pixolletta8px" rel="stylesheet">
<style> @import url('https://fonts.cdnfonts.com/css/pixolletta8px'); </style>
Use the following CSS rules to specify these families
font-family: 'Pixolletta8px', sans-serif;
P I X O L E T T A 8 px
by Neuland_Ink
I originally designed this font on the Atari ST and developed and revised it over many, many years. For me it represents the minimum of pixels it takes to make a readable "Pixel Font".
The "8 px" stands for the actual height of the font - 8 pixels!
To use it in Photoshop in its actual size, you should set the fontsize to 10 points and do NOT use anti-aliasing. Make sure you have no Open Type Effects like "faux bold" etc. applied!
It contains ALL special characters - so it should be capable of rendering ALL languages that use the roman alphabet.
Pixoletta is 100% free to use in any project you see fit! Of course without any guarantee of correctness or completeness! Use at your own risk! ;)
Have fun!
Pixolletta8px 500