Krakenbox Studio

Bright Fairy

One who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; one who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.

Bright Fairy Yazı Tipi

Ağırlıklar ve Stiller

Seçili yazı tiplerini bir web sayfasına gömmek için bu kodu HTML kodlarınızın başına ekleyin.

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
                            @import url('');
CSS olarak kullanım

Bu yazı tipi ailesini kullanmak için aşağıdaki CSS kurallarını kullanın

                                                                    font-family: 'Bright Fairy', sans-serif;

Kalınlık ve Stiller (1)

  • Bright Fairy 400

Bright Fairy Yazı Tipi Ailesi Hakkında

  • Free for personal use
  • Krakenbox Studio
  • Krakenbox Studio

  • Açıklama

    Font By Krakenbox Studio

    Thank for downloading
    NOTE: This demo font is for PERSONAL USE ONLY! But any donation are very appreciated.

    Link to purchase Full Version, Extended License or Corporate License Visit:

    email : [email protected]

    All forms of use of fonts without buying a
    license first must comply with our terms of completing
    purchases for commercial purposes and will
    be subject to a Corporate License

    Thank You
    Caution : Be very careful and take the time to read any terms & conditions before deciding
    to use the font commercially. Ignorance is not an excuse for breaking the law.

    By installing or using this font, you are hereby agree to this Font Usage Agreement:

    1. This font is ONLY FOR PERSONAL USE purposes.
    3. You are REQUIRES A LICENSE for Promotional or Commercial Use
    4. CONTACT ME before any Promotional or Commercial Use

    [email protected]

    Krakenbox Studio tarafından tasarlanan Bright Fairy font ailesinin toplam 1 farklı stili var. Bright Fairy yazı tipini bilgisayarınıza indirebilir veya web sitenizde kullanabilirsiniz. Lütfen kullanmadan önce lisans bilgilerini araştırın.
    Desteklenen Diller
    İngilizce, Zuluca

    Karakter Haritası

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    1 Stil


    1 Stil


    1 Stil


    1 Stil


    1 Stil


    1 Stil


    1 Stil

