
Christmas Jumper

Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.
Mother Teresa

Christmas Jumper Yazı Tipi

Ağırlıklar ve Stiller

Seçili yazı tiplerini bir web sayfasına gömmek için bu kodu HTML kodlarınızın başına ekleyin.

<link href="https://fonts.cdnfonts.com/css/christmas-jumper" rel="stylesheet">
                            @import url('https://fonts.cdnfonts.com/css/christmas-jumper');
CSS olarak kullanım

Bu yazı tipi ailesini kullanmak için aşağıdaki CSS kurallarını kullanın

                                                                    font-family: 'Christmas Jumper', sans-serif;

Kalınlık ve Stiller (1)

  • Christmas Jumper 400

Christmas Jumper Yazı Tipi Ailesi Hakkında

  • Free for personal use
  • SpideRaY
  • http://www.linkedin.com/in/spideray
  • SpideRaY

  • Açıklama

    This font was created for my personal projects called Xmas Knit Font however I have decided to release this as donationware on behalf of Charity Fonts to help raise money for Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day 2014. Please make things better wear a digital sweater typeface and donate @ http://bit.ly/xmasjumperdaydonate
    Save the Children is a registered company limited by guarantee (Company No. 178159) Registered Charity No. 213890 (England & Wales) and SC039570 (Scotland) #xmasjumperday

    NOTE: the OTF version with postscript curves is best viewed at 28pt or above this is due to it's unique 'V' knit pattern and the limitations of hinting. However we have also now included the TTF version that will render more successfully at sizes lower that 36pt.

    SpideRaY tarafından tasarlanan Christmas Jumper font ailesinin toplam 1 farklı stili var. Christmas Jumper yazı tipini bilgisayarınıza indirebilir veya web sitenizde kullanabilirsiniz. Lütfen kullanmadan önce lisans bilgilerini araştırın.
    Desteklenen Diller
    İngilizce, Zuluca

    Karakter Haritası

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