“Just as a flower, which seems beautiful has color but no perfume, so are the fruitless words of a man who speaks them but does them not.”
“Just as a flower, which seems beautiful has color but no perfume, so are the fruitless words of a man who speaks them but does them not.”
To embed your selected fonts into a webpage, copy this code into the head of your HTML document.
<link href="https://fonts.cdnfonts.com/css/ybsimplyirresistible" rel="stylesheet">
<style> @import url('https://fonts.cdnfonts.com/css/ybsimplyirresistible'); </style>
Use the following CSS rules to specify these families
font-family: 'YBSimplyIrresistible', sans-serif;
*You may use this font on your personal blog or website; however you must include my button on the site.
*This font may be used for ANY free/personal use
*Any SMALL business commercial use requires a license. This can be purchased through a $8 donation per font. If you would like to purchase a SMALL business license to use ALL YB fonts by Yara Boustani, a one-time $120 donation can be made. If you would like to confirm that your needs will fit under the Small Business license, please email me at [email protected]
*You may NOT use this font as a logo or part of a logo without my written permission, as this requires a different license.
*You may NOT use this font in an iPad/iPhone/Android APP without my written permission, as this requires a different license.
*If you are a LARGE business/ad agency/media company/etc. interested in using my fonts in your companies ads, brochures, websites, television shows, etc. Please notify me to purchase a large commercial license by emailing me at [email protected]
*This font is NOT to be sold as is! You may not sell, distribute, or claim the font as your own.
*These terms of use are subject to change at any time by the font creator Yara Boustani.
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