Hagia Pro

As the rest of the world is walking out the door, your best friends are the ones walking in.

Hagia Pro Yazı Tipi

Ağırlıklar ve Stiller

Seçili yazı tiplerini bir web sayfasına gömmek için bu kodu HTML kodlarınızın başına ekleyin.

<link href="https://fonts.cdnfonts.com/css/hagia-pro" rel="stylesheet">
                            @import url('https://fonts.cdnfonts.com/css/hagia-pro');
CSS olarak kullanım

Bu yazı tipi ailesini kullanmak için aşağıdaki CSS kurallarını kullanın

                                                                    font-family: 'Hagia Pro', sans-serif;

Kalınlık ve Stiller (1)

  • Hagia Pro 800

Hagia Pro Yazı Tipi Ailesi Hakkında

  • Available for Commercial Use

  • Açıklama

    Full family (16 fonts): https://andikafez.com/product/hagia-pro-unique-sans-serif/
    Hagia Pro’s unique sans serif font family is the perfect tool for creators to create impactful things with a different touch.

    Hagia Pro contains several weights to give the user an interesting experience when using it. This unique sans serif font family is very good for branding, logo projects, headings, advertising, packaging, web design, print goods and other creative projects.

    You may also be interested in:

    Our Popular Fonts
    - Berlin: https://andikafez.com/product/berlin-sans-serif-fonts-bold/
    - Rocket Wildness: https://andikafez.com/product/rocket-wildness/
    - Hello Galleria: https://andikafez.com/product/hello-galleria-font-duo/

    Our Bestselling Sans Serif Fonts
    - Hagia Pro: https://andikafez.com/product/hagia-pro-unique-sans-serif/
    - Rigid Display: https://andikafez.com/product/rigid-display/
    - Gemsbuck Pro: https://andikafez.com/product/gemsbuck-modern-industrial-font/
    - Groupe: https://andikafez.com/product/groupe-logotype-family/

    Our Bestselling Display Fonts
    - Summer Fun: https://andikafez.com/product/summmer-fun-font/
    - Berlin: https://andikafez.com/product/berlin-sans-serif-fonts-bold/
    - Rocket Wildness: https://andikafez.com/product/rocket-wildness/
    - Marinford: https://andikafez.com/product/sans-serif-fonts-bold-marinford/

    Our Bestselling Script Fonts
    - Stylish Dakota: https://andikafez.com/product/stylishdakota/
    - Dream Only: https://andikafez.com/product/dream-only/
    - Belgian Signature: https://andikafez.com/product/belgian-signature/

    Our Current Font Bundle
    - Black Friday Sans Serif Font Bundle: https://andikafez.com/product/black-friday-sans-serif-font-bundle/
    - Modern Industrial Font Bundle: https://andikafez.com/product/modern-industrial-font-bundle/

    Thank you

    Unknown Designer tarafından tasarlanan Hagia Pro font ailesinin toplam 1 farklı stili var. Hagia Pro yazı tipini bilgisayarınıza indirebilir veya web sitenizde kullanabilirsiniz. Lütfen kullanmadan önce lisans bilgilerini araştırın.
    Desteklenen Diller
    İngilizce, Zuluca

    Karakter Haritası

    0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 A A B B C C D D E E F F G G H H I I J J K K L L M M N N O O P P Q Q R R S S T T U U V V W W X X Y Y Z Z a a b b c c d d e e f f g g h h i i j j k k l l m m n n o o p p q q r r s s t t u u v v w w x x y y z z á á
